Product Purchases

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Product Purchases

The screen will display all purchases based on the parameters entered, giving a complete list of the purchases in grid and chart format. The data can be exported to Excel and charts in BMP format.


Item Category

Specify the inventory item category range

Product Range

Enter the inventory item product range

Date Range

Enter the date range of the purchases

Include Inventory Journals

Tick to include inventory journals as well as purchases

Top Level Tags

Select the tags assigned to suppliers that products were purchased from. This allows purchases to be loaded based on a given tag, such as a special sale or particular product run.

Load Purchases

Generate the list of purchases based on the selected parameters

Export grid to Excel

Export all of the records in the grid to export

Export grid to HTML

Export the records of the grid to an HTML file

Reset Chart Data Groups

If the drill down has been used in the chart to view the information. This will reset the chart back to the top level of the data (Supplier)

Export to BMP

Exports the currently active chart to the BMP report

Expand All

Expand all groups

Collapse All

Collapse all groups







