PDF Export Options

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PDF Export Options

When using the internal PDi CRM report's function, the PDF settings can be altered if required.




Select the user you wish to update and press the [Load user settings]. If you set an Owner password, then the document will not be allowed to be modified unless the correct password is given. If you set a user password, the PDF will be locked from even being opened if the correct password is not supplied.


Allow document to be printed - the PDF document can be printed.


Allow document to be modified - the document can be altered.


Allow text and objects to be copied - the objects and text can be copied and pasted into other applications.


Allow annotations and text to be added to the document.


If the Open document after the PDF has been created, it will be opened in your PDF viewer.


Display options screen before creating; this will display the default PDF Export screen giving the user more options and settings for the PDF creation.