Getting Start

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Getting Start

PDi CRM for Sage50c Pastel Accounting is an application that allows you to access your Pastel Customer, Supplier and Inventory information directly. PDi CRM has increased functionality, allowing you to track Tasks, Activities, and Sales Opportunities against your customers and prospects as well as maintain master record information and view sales and purchase information quickly from a central place.


To hold the extra information, PDi CRM requires a database to hold the table; PDi Spirit uses the FIREBIRD RDBMS database software. This gives you a full upgrade path as your size increases; the FIREBIRD RDBMS can be installed either as a standalone workstation or in a small workgroup environment or within a server environment, all from the same small install and without changing our upgrading your PDi CRM application, purchase additional licenses


Before you can use PDi CRM,severalf components must be installed and configured correctly to enable you to use the application.


The following outlines the components that require installation and configuration.