CRM Data Import

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CRM Data Import

This function allows data to be imported into any PDi CRM tables.




Data will be validated based on any primary indexes and business logic applied to the PDi CRM Database.


Select CRM Table to update: Select the PDi CRM Table name to update or insert the new data


Import File to process: Enter or select the file to be imported. The file can be in CSV (comma separated) or Excel (XLS) format.


Import file specification: If you have asked PDi Spirit or one of its associates to create the import specification, select the supplied file. You can also use the [Create Specification] wizard to create your mappings and update specifications.


Generate a list of key values in the file but not in CRM Table - This can be used to list all new records that do not yet appear in CRM.


Key values in CRM Table but not in file - This can highlight any CRM data that should be located in the file but are not.


These two reports can be used to locate and validate missing records from the two sources.


The Reported error/statistics will be displayed in the progress area during the process. Fix any errors with the import file or specification as required.