Task - Create Outlook Calendar Appointment

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Task - Create Outlook Calendar Appointment

The Activity / Task entry screen allows creating an Outlook Calendar Appointment using the message linked to the Activity / Task Code.





Select the Outlook appointment status Free, Tentative, Confirmed, Out of Office or Working else where

Follow-up by user

Enter the email address of the user that will be following up the appointment

Send email to

Enter the email address of the person/company receiving the appointment request

Email body details

The body will be set based on the activity/task, replacing all variables with the field values.

Deferred Email

Set to indicate that the deferred email will be sent and the date / time it should be set

Deferred Connection Email

Set to indicate if a deferred email with the connection settings should be sent and what time

Create Appointment and emails

Press to create the appointment in Outlook and create the deferred emails



Delete Outlook Appointment

If an appointment has already been created, press this button to remove the appointment. The deferred emails must be deleted manually.