Customer Tag/Task Wizard

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Customer Tag/Task Wizard

PDiTags is a way to extract information for specific customers, prospects or suppliers. PDiTags can then target tagged records with specific marketing and tasks assigned to users.  The Tag/Task Wizard gives eleven fixed methods to Tag customers; the final method uses SQL statements available within the OLAP cubing module. The user-definable option expands the ability to tag customers beyond the default options given within PDi CRM.





Sales this year

Enter an amount range to filter customers that have sales between the given value for this year


Sales last year

Enter an amount range to filter customers that have sales for last year between the given range

Sales between a date range

Filter customers based on a sales value range for transactions between the given date range


Products last purchased

Filter customers that have purchased the selected products between the given date range. Sequential or random products can be selected using the standard Windows CTRL-click and CTRL shift keys.



Products not purchase

Filter customers that have not purchased products. This is a great way to tag customers and then contact them to purchase products or services that the customers have not purchased



Customers not purchased since

Filter customers that have not purchased since the date entered. Flagging the older customers and sending marketing information to reestablish buying patterns.



Customers outstanding balance

Sage50c Pastel ageing fields are updated when statements are generated; this information can then be used to filter customers based on the amount outstanding. Enter -1 in a balance to exclude that from the check



Customers assigned to a given activity / task

Filter customers based on the selected activity/tasks. If the Tasks are one-off, you can check for multiple tasks that may have been assigned to the tasks. For example, give me all customers that have been assigned to Account Department or Service Renewal or Visit Required. If the option is turned off, it will be all customers assigned Account Department and Service Renewal and Visit Required.





Customers not assigned to an activity / task

Filter customers that have not been assigned to an activity/task between the given date range. Again tasks can be filtered using the and option with Tasks is one-off




Customer Category types

Filter customers based on the customer category assigned. Multiple categories can be selected by checking the boxes as required.




Customers based on user defined fields

Customers can be filtered based on the Sage50c Pastel accounting user-defined fields attached to each customer. User-defined fields are text-based, so an alpha text range can be specified for each.




User definable (OLAP SQL Statements)

Filter customers based on a cube SQL statement that has previously been defined. Select the available OLAP-Cube source and complete any parameters that may be requested.





Once the method has been selected, and the [Next] button pressed, the matched customers will be loaded.


Create or use a previous task and assign the action to a user if an activity/task is created.





If tasks are to be created with the tagging, users can make calls and follow up as required. Press the Create Task Defaults to assign to customers to display the following screen and set the required information.

Once all settings have been made, press the [Create Tasks] and then the Finish button to complete the process, create tasks for the selected customers, and assign the new PDiTag.

