Customer Recurring Invoices

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Customer Recurring Invoices

Sage50c Pastel accounting allows for the creation of recurring invoices. This screen allows for a load of all recurring invoices linked to your Sage50c Pastel user ID.


Recurring Document Source - select which recurring documents to load - all of the current users’ recurring invoices


Document Date - Enter the date of the invoice documents to create


Order Ref - Enter the order reference, or leave it blank to use the recurring invoice order ref


Load Documents - this will populate the grid with the recurring invoices.


Abort documents - this will abort the process and clear the grid.


Create Invoices - Create invoices for the selected recurring invoices.


Indicate with documents to create invoices by ticking the Create Document check box. Once the invoices have been created, a detailed summary report can be generated. NB: The report can only be generated after creating the invoices. Once it has been created and the function has moved on, it will no longer be available.





The detailed and summary reports can be selected using the drop-down box to select the report layout to generate after the invoices have been created.


Highlight the required report and press the Hide button to close the screen.


Additional reports can be added to the list of reports using the [Add Report] button; the report can then be used during this and future recurring invoice generations.