Product Catalogue

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Product Catalogue

This report will create a simple product catalogue including images, details and pricing.  A screen similar to the following will be displayed when this function has been selected.




The report can be filtered on an item code range and an inventory category range using the finders to limit the specific products.


The report can include any of the Pastel price regimes and select a price to default the internal report price variable to.


Once the required selections have been made, press the [Start Report] to generate the report.


The default layout includes a cover page and basic contents that include active links when viewed in the window. The layout can be altered to include the required fields using the internal report designer, as with all the CRM reports.


The SQL statement used to generate the report can also be overridden by creating an SQL statement file named sql_productcat.sql within the \pdireports folder (see the sql_productcat_ex.sql file for an example). The statement must include the WHERE statement with the %s indicator to set the required SQL "where" component. For example, the user can add to the default where a statement by adding an AND statement.




This will add the checking of the inventory blocked value to the default where the statement is applied.