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PDi CRM allows for 99% of the literal text within the application to be translated. This function allows you to alter the translations
Select the language to maintain and press the [Load translations] button to load the grid. You can then move through the grid, translating the text in the Literal Text column. The grid can be formatted by section so that a single screen at a time.
When starting a new translation, we recommend that you copy from the ENG/English to the new language code so that you at least have a starting point. Select the ENG language as the copy from and then enter your new Language (existing code) and press the Copy Translation button. All settings will then be copied to the new language code, and translation can proceed.
Export Translations: This will export the current translations into the language folder below the main application. This will contain insert SQL scripts that can be amended manually and then imported using the [Import translations] function to run the SQL insert script. When you amend the literal this way, be sure not to remove any commas or speech quotations, as this could affect the import of translations.
If you wish to translate a literal on a screen that doesn't seem to exist within the translation screen, you can see what literals are available by opening the required screen and pressing the F9 button. This will save a text file to the \Lng\Controls\ below the main application screen. This will create a text file containing the objects that contain a caption that can be translated. Once finished, you can open the text file to view the contents and add the required object names and section information.
Caption=Hide Account Details
lblSelectUser.Caption=Select User ID:
lblAccessDetails.Caption=Capture accounts that the selected user is NOT allowed access to. This can be used to hide sensitive supplier information for example, such as director loan information.
btnLoad.Caption=Load Accounts
btnEndUpdate.Caption=End Update
colActType.Caption=Account Type
colAccountNo.Caption=Account No
colAccountName.Caption=Account Name