Create Sales Opportunities from WooCommerce Shop

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Create Sales Opportunities from WooCommerce Shop

Orders can be retrieved from WooCommerce and create Sales Opportunities within PDi CRM. The Sales Opportunities can then be validated, printed and transferred to Sage50c Pastel as Orders or Invoices.





Select the WooCommerce shop to retrieve the orders from and the orders’ date; the date is used to ignore orders that are dated before the date specified. Press the Retrieve Orders button to retrieve all orders are the selected date.


The orders will be displayed in the grid; the header can be expanded to view the product lines linked to the order header. Indicate which orders should have a sales opportunity created and press the Create Sales Opportunities button.


Sales Opp Exists: This will be ticked if a sales opportunity is already linked to a WooCommerce shop order id. This will ensure that duplicate orders are not created unless that is required.


Create Sales Opp: Tick to have the process create a sales opportunity based on the order from WooCommerce.


Create Pastel A/c: If the WooCommerce customer ID is not linked to a Pastel account, the process will create automatically if this is ticked.


Pastel A/C: If linked to a Pastel account, the Pastel account will be displayed. If the Create Pastel A/C option is ticked and this field is blank, the Sage50c Pastel account will be created based on

the customer's name and the account number set within CRM Options.


Customer Name: This will be set based on the order retrieved from the WooCommerce shop.


Order status: Order status retrieved from WooCommerce.


Order Created and Modified: The date the order was initially created and then modified.


Totals: Order totals and date paid are also included.


When the order header is expanded, it will show the lines on the order retrieved. Select the lines to include on the Sales Opportunity.


Press the Create Sales Opportunities button to transfer the sales Order from WooCommerce to the PDi CRM Sales Opportunity module. Once the import is completed, a screen similar to the following will be displayed, showing the result of each order import.






If the WooCommerce orders are retrieved on the same date, the grid will indicate that the Sales Opportunity already exists and give the Sage50c Pastel customer account.

